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Answer this question in a single sentence: Why do you love teaching?

May 29, 2019

Teaching allows me to SHAPE futures and CHANGE circumstance, to BUILD strong foundations and DEVELOP character, but most importantly, I teach to ensure ALL of my students know they are VALUED and CARED for because I BELIEVE IN THEM. —Melissa Campbell

Getting to do calculus every day! —Tom Shemko

I love teaching because it allows me to be a lifelong learner as well—the job is always changing and evolving. —Catherine MacLellan

Pour voir les étincelles dans leurs yeux! —Magali Bourque

We are able to make a difference in the world and in someone’s life ... every single day. —Michelle Louise

Watching the “Ah-Ha!” moment! —Justine Porter

I love everything about actually teaching (not all the paperwork and extras): working with students, the puzzle of finding the best way to reach them, then watching them succeed and build confidence and pride. —Cassandra Greve

I love teaching when I run into former students who tell me, “you made a difference in my life.” —Astrid Sneddon Kendrick

Keeps me young. —Valsa Mandody Peter

I love teaching because I can make a positive impact on students and they make a positive impact on me. —Lorraine Lastiwka

I love solving the puzzle of finding the right supports that help my students to grow and learn. —Shawna Frentz

I love that moment when students lose that “math is hard” idea, when they start playing with numbers and finding the math themselves in everyday life—my heart grows. —Jackie Marie

My biggest reason: it’s my way of giving a little love and kindness to kids who might not get it otherwise, and it’s my contribution in trying to make the future brighter and sustainable, and the world a more caring and compassionate place. —Nicole Felicitas

I laugh every day! —Michelle Greene

I love teaching because I get to see students grow and change in front of my eyes every day! —Dustyn Parenteau

The connection and the relationship in class as well as the gift of giving a second language and seeing where that takes my students. —Lee Martin

I love to see the “AHA!” moment in class. —Dwayne Wenaas

I love my students!!! —Laurie Dirsa

I love the sense of trust you can build with students as you teach them to love learning! —Jaime Noelle Luedtke

Do I have to answer in a complete sentence? —Meredith Hendriks

Building empathy and caring in our classroom community through both humour and hard life lessons. —Julie Quennell

I love that every day is unpredictable and the flexibility keeps you on your toes! —Laura Vassa Weselowski

I love teaching because of the connections students and teachers create together for the benefit of our present and future communities. —Valerie Fuchshuber

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